

Thisbe has spent a great deal of time with the Thisbe family in the last two weeks. Thisbe LOVES her family, but they are WAY high energy, and frankly? Thisbe is exhausted.**

Amid a whirlwind of shopping and driving and traveling (oh my!), Thisbe is hoping for a slightly quieter next couple of weeks, hopefully with less drama (see previous post re: various illnesses).

Also, more frequent posts (and phone calls, to those of you Thisbe knows IRL).

**Notably, the wee kraken is also exhausted, so it is not just Thisbe. The wee kraken slept for 2 hours this afternoon!

Today's Project: A final push on the MBP #1. That kid will be in college if I don't get cracking.

Today's Life Observation: The couch is LOVE.

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