
Pet peeves

1. To the customers at Stop n' Shop. DO NOT PARK in the "Customer with Infant" parking if you are not a customer with an infant. There is a reason for that parking. A shrieking, writhing, angry little reason, that really cannot take the extra walk from the car or waiting to get a cart which must be brought to the car. I've been there, and I too have been tempted, but please. If you don't have the kid, don't take the space

2. To the other parents at my gym. A 7 year old does not want to hang out in babysitting with giant Legos while you work out on the elliptical machine for 2 hours. And that 7 year old will behave badly, causing the poor babysitting lady to go crazy, which is no good for anyone. If school is over, and camp hasn't started yet, perhaps you need to get your exercise by taking your child for a nature walk. Or chasing him/her around the house/mall. Whatever. Just stop messing with my babysitters at the gym.

3. To the parents of the kids on my street. Letting your kids scream as loudly as they can, all in a group, so loudly that the neighbor lady thinks that one of them has been run down by an errant teenager, is not OK. Please teach your children that screaming? Is not a game.

4. To my garbage man. Taking our garbage does not require being loud. Some mornings (this morning) you are not loud, and I appreciate that. Some mornings (last week) you feel the need to make every single item in the garbage hit the truck individually, and also to comment loudly upon it. On those mornings, you kill the precious few moments I have to sleep before the wee kraken awakens, and usually you wake her up too. I beg you. If it is before 7am, please keep it down.

Today's project: Completion of several things! Pictures coming soon.

Today's Life Observation: Fridays were made for drinking.

PS. It appears that Thisbe's flirtation with the film industry is over, as she did not receive a call to be in Indiana Jones 4. Rats.

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