
I am not a guy.

Note to all of my guy friends:

I am not a guy. Really. Not a guy.

I do not want to hear about you checking out some other chick, or how some girl you work with/met at a bar/saw on the street is really hot, or the time you went to a strip club.

It might seem like that, because for some reason, you think I am a guy. And I agree, I like sports, I can play poker, and I have been known to drink beer, but I am not, actually a guy. And I know you think that it is all cool, because hey, you can talk to me just like I was a guy!

But not. To reiterate: NOT A GUY.

I have to say, there is nothing that makes a woman feel less attractive than a man telling her how hot other women are. It makes me want to go sign myself into a Swiss plastic surgery clinic for the next six months.

Today's project: MBP #1. We're about 2/3 done.

Today's life observation: Being thin and beautiful does not equal fashion sense. I'm talking to YOU Cameron Diaz.

1 comment:

Rue said...

Why is it that guys love to do that? I usually get the glazed over stare followed by: "I think that's Jennifer Love Hewitt". 90% of the lunches I've been to with Dave in the past 13 years have involved some discussion of a "hot" woman somewhere in the room. So much so that I was shocked that he didn't throw himself at Natalie Portman when we saw her once at Sarabeth's.