
Mommy Scars: Or, why WK can no longer go to the playground

Today, Thisbe and the WK had a playdate with Thisbe's friend Sandra and her adorable son Nate.

As it is a lovely day here, we all decided to go for a walk to the playground near Sandra's house.

We headed over to the playground chatting merrily, with WK & Nate yelling forcefully at passing squirrels, and then everyone got out of their strollers to go play.

Innocent? Right?


By this time, Thisbe had already made several critical rookie mistakes:

1) Thisbe was not wearing practical shoes, but rather, pointy (CUTE!) boots.

2) Thisbe did not bring the diaper bag.

3) Thisbe did not have a change of clothes for herself.

None of this seemed to be much of a problem until Thisbe decided to take the WK on the swings. The swings have been a sore point for the WK, as her mommy loves them, and the WK does not like them, really at all.

In an effort to endear the WK to the swings, Thisbe thought we could go on the swing together.




The WK is physically fine (pupils dilating, cheerful, eating, etc.), as she fell entirely on Thisbe (evidenced by the fact that her outfit has not one iota of mud on it). And really, was just upset to be taken off the slide.

Thisbe? Covered in mud. Lacerated finger. Right arm bruised from inside of elbow to wrist. Also, blisters from walking in stupid cute boots.* Had to return to Sandra's house immediately to administer first aid to finger and borrow sweatpants and sweatshirt from Sandra.

Also, Thisbe is convinced that the WK will be scarred for life, and refuse to ever go on a swing again. Indeed, at some point in kindergarten she'll probably have some kind of PTSD flashback at recess and Thisbe will be called into the principal's office to explain why her daughter was found curled in the fetal position under the swings, sobbing. Fantastic.

*In Thisbe's defense, the playdate was not scheduled for any walking, but rather sitting at Sandra's house and watching the little ones play.

Today's Project: No knitting. Sitting quietly on the couch while the WK naps.

Today's Life Observation: Should have stuck to the slide.


Rue said...

Geeesh! (ps. always carry a spare outfit. I had a spare sweater in my toy bag when we were at Melanie's.... just in case ;) btw, how did you guys fall off the swing???

Anonymous said...

You had me at "CUTE! boots".
