
IIIIIIIIIIII.........am the very model

Of a modern major chorister.

Yet again, I have committed to performing in a Gilbert & Sullivan show. Why, oh why, do I keep doing this? I mean, I like G & S. Who doesn't? Crazy sexist plotlines? Cross-dressing? A guaranteed happy ending? GOOD TIMES FOR ALL, I SAY!

However, I find that the other members of the cast, (as usual) to put it delicately, are, shall we say, not so much acting to get into the "crazy" part of their characters.

To be fair, this group seems to have a lower crazy quotient than most, but still. It makes me all jumpy and twitchy just to be at a rehearsal. I actually get fidgety. Like a second-grader on a Halloween candy high. Ugh.

In other news, my wee kraken is now sporting two, count 'em, TWO teensy (but kind of sharp) teeth. They made her rather angry and rageful the last couple of days, but now that they are out I think she will return to her regularly scheduled pleasant little self.

Today's project: Work continues on Pink Sweater Project #2. I really like this project. The sweater is adorable and requires a moss-stitch knit for a good portion of it, which is just kind of fun.

Today's life observation: A hummer stretch limo? Can get a flat tire. Big does not equal invincible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! Congratulations all around, first on your G&S Show (which show is it?) and second on the wee kraken's TWO baby teeth!!!

ps. you should post pics of the pink sweater project!!! :)