
Not so friendly skies.

So this really burns me.

For those of you uninterested in clicking on the link, the gist of the story is that a woman on an airplane was sitting in a window seat (with her husband in the seat next to her), nursing her infant, and a flight attendant came by and offered her a blanket "for discretion". The woman turned down the offer of the blanket, and a short while later the flight attendant came back and asked her to get off the plane.

If what this woman claims is true, and she was indeed, kicked off an airplane for breastfeeding, then I am both horrified and furious. If I had been that woman, the exact same thing would have happened to me, as the wee kraken does not like anything on her head when she is nursing, and I would have no real interest in a crappy airline blanket for that purpose. I mean, it is not as if she was running up and down the aisle waving her exposed b**bs about and spraying other passengers (in which case, I would wholeheartedly support removing her from that, or any other flight).

If you don't want to nurse your kid, then fine. If you don't want to see me nursing my kid, then don't look, and frankly, even if you are looking, I am not exactly sure what you are seeing, other than the back of her head. Geez. I'm not much of a "lactivist", but I really get upset when people act like nursing your child in public is akin to stripping and table dancing.

Today's project: Working on the front of Pink Sweater Project #2. Picture to follow when the sweater gets a little farther.

Today's life observation: Mushrooms growing on your front lawn were a neat fairyland item as a child, but are really, just fungus, as an adult.

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