
A day of weirdness....

Long story, but Thisbe was stuck in the house for awhile today, waiting for a serviceperson.

To stave off the endless boredom (and inability to shower, lest the serviceperson was missed), Thisbe compiled a bunch of random thoughts/things that happened in the last couple of days.

1) Around 11am, the phone rang and it was the U.S. Marines. As Thisbe looked at the phone, all she could think was "Well. This *will* be interesting. What could they possibly want?"

[Fantasy Conversation]

US Marines: Ms. Thisbe?
Thisbe: yes....
US Marines: Thank Goodness! We have a national security emergency, and need your knitting skills.
Thisbe: Do I have to go to Iraq?
US Marines: No. Just knit a lot and get paid excessively.
Thisbe: I'm in.

What did they really want? A person named Matthew, who does not live here.

2) While retrieving another email lost to the overzealous spam filter on Thisbe's email, Thisbe noted a spam email with the subject "never sleep for it causes early death". Boy. If that is true, Thisbe is in real trouble.

3) As you may recall, dear readers, the WK's musical tastes were giving Thisbe concerns re: homicide. So, Thisbe downloaded a ton of 80s pop, and voila! Now when we get in the car, the WK says "Mommy, I want Erasure song!" followed by "Mommy, TURN UP ERASURE SONG!!!!" (Note: I always make her say please before I do it). And then she sings along "I soooooo loooooove yooooooou"


4) For Thisbe's upcoming show (email Thisbe for info!), it has been determined that she gets to wear a corset. Having tried on the corset, the question to pose is: WHY did these things go out of fashion? That corset may be the most flattering thing Thisbe has ever put on (other than her wedding dress).

OK. Enough of the mishmash of thoughts.

Today's Project: Socks for PBB

Today's Life Observation: You never really know what someone is thinking.

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