
Too much of a good thing...

So. As anyone reading this blog has noticed, the last several posts have been dedicated to Thisbe's show, which is a Gilbert & Sullivan show (The Yeoman of the Guard). Gilbert & Sullivan is sort of a specialized genre, with a limited fan base. Thisbe got into it because her Dad & Uncle are both big fans, and Thisbe was indoctrinated from a very young age. Indeed, Thisbe could sing all of "I am the very Model of a Modern Major General" before she was eight.

At rehearsal on Wednesday, the President of Thisbe's group made "an important announcement". The announcement was that Friday (today) is February 29th, a day that only happens once every four years, and also the birthday of Frederic, the protagonist of The Pirates of Penzance. As such, the President required everyone to sing "Hail Poetry" and had a birthday cake for Frederic.

Now. Thisbe is all for singing Hail Poetry (it was the anthem for Thisbe's college group and carries a great deal of nostalgia), and of course, Thisbe is all for cake.

However. Thisbe is a *little* concerned about all the fuss being made over a FICTIONAL CHARACTER'S BIRTHDAY.

It seems, shall we say, excessive? (We're going with "excessive" rather than "bat-sh*t crazy")

Today's Project: Black gossamer shawl

Today's Life Observation: Naptime. It's the *best* time

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