
Snow Day!

In classic weather-person fashion, the snow expected for today was minimal (2-4 inches), and yet, we appear to have 6-8 inches on the ground. Weather people: Your degrees are bogus. You would have just as much luck if you consulted with a Ouija Board.

Anyhow. The unexpected upshot - frolicking in the snow with the Wee Kraken

I don't normally post pictures, but...

Hee! Cute! Love!


1. Show getting terrifyingly close. Pretty much everyone Thisbe knows will be attending. Thisbe is FREAKING OUT. As a lead, Thisbe gets lots of attention (wonderful for the needy, 16 year old girl that is Thisbe). But, Thisbe's character is very flirty/sexy and as Thisbe also has the self-esteem of a needy (totally insecure) 16 year old girl (which Thisbe was), it is very challenging.

Thisbe feels like Hyacinth Hippo from Fantasia (the hippo in the tutu who dances around). Hyacinth thinks she's gorgeous, but really, she is a mack truck in pointe shoes.

Thisbe is very worried that she will look like a mack truck, although in boots. A mack truck that cannot sing and forgets her lines. ARGH.

2. Thisbe attended the Westminster Dog Show with the WK, PBB, Mrs. Weef and Miss Sophie. An excellent time was had by all, although next year - we go on Tuesday. The friendlier dogs (read: dog owners) seem to be there on Tuesday.

Today's Project: Gossamer Shawl (gray shawl is finished (and sold!), starting a black shawl)

Today's Life Observation: If you can't find rocks to make a snowman's face under 6 inches of snow, nuts and bolts will do the trick nicely.

1 comment:

cecescully said...

What a CUTIE!!!!

And the whole point of the dancing hippo is that she is graceful despite her size. She dances beautifully and gracefully! You are certainly no hippo, but the point still stands. You are beautiful! Do not let anyone else let you think otherwise!