
The Other WHAT?

To: Sony Pictures
From: Thisbe
Re: "The Other Boleyn Girl"
cc: Philippa Gregory

Dear Sirs and/or Madam(s)

I write with regard to the 2 hours of my life that you WASTED turning one of my favorite books into one of the VERY WORST MOVIES I HAVE EVER SEEN*. Not one single iota of that movie (with the exception of the fact that there were actual people with those names) was accurate, and I can only be grateful that I paid a mere $.25 to see it, as my friend had a coupon. I think it was still overpriced, but am willing to be somewhat flexible as the Tudor period costumes were lovely. Somewhere, I imagine the author is quietly sobbing for her unbelievably poor decision to sell you the rights to her novel, and vowing to sue you for defamation of character on behalf of the historical individuals.
I can only hope that the depravity that led you to destroy a great book and subject the public to a truly terrible film will condemn you to the lowest level of hell (where, presumably, you will be forced to watch this movie repeatedly).

Angrily yours,

*The very worst movie being Waterworld. Don't even get Thisbe started.


Rue said...

You hit the nail on the head! That movie was *horrible*!! The Husband and I went to see it and I am so totally going to have to watch "War" with Jet Li because of it.

I felt it was like a Lifetime movie produced for an audience of 13 year old girls.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I kind of liked waterworld :-)