
Monday morning Quarterbacking.

OK. One other thing. The Oscars were kind of disappointing.

Thisbe is pleased they happened at all, but there was not much of a surprise about any winners, and they were kind of blah. Jon Stewart and Steve Carrell were pretty funny though.

Also, many of the actresses and actors broke Thisbe's cardinal rule: if you are that gorgeous, then please dress to look good. Do not dress as though you were attacked by wolverines (or chickens), do not highlight unflattering areas of your body because you are so fit. Do not not show up looking as though you have been living in the mountains for the last 18 months.

Major offenders included: Penelope Cruz, Jessica Alba, and Cameron Diaz (what was UP with that dress? It does not take a genius to know that draping hanging around your hips? NOT FLATTERING. And the hair? You're at the Oscars. You are not going to the gym. Make more of an effort than a ponytail. ARGH. HATE.) Viggo Mortenson (Viggo, you made me sad. I love beards, and you almost made me hate them).

People whose work I will continue to see include: Katherine Heigl, Anne Hathaway, and (surprisingly) Calista Flockhart.

Nicole Kidman: You are pregnant, so Thisbe will give you a bit of a pass, but the dress/necklace combination? DID NOT WORK.

Today's Project: See other post

Today's Life Observation: See other post

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